“Using video to connect with a prospect is so much more than a cold call. It humanizes the selling process.”

Jill Rowley
Social Selling Evangelist

In the digital age, video has become the most effective marketing tool in the business executive’s arsenal. Trying to outmarket your competition on the Web without using video is like David not bothering to bring his slingshot when he took on Goliath – you’re simply not equipped for battle. Here’s why you need to be armed with a sound corporate video strategy:

1. Google loves video

The first goal is to connect with your prospects. If you are trying to draw traffic to your website, video can play a critical role in your success. According to Forrester Research, your business is 53 times more likely to show up on page one of a Google search if your site has a video. If your clients and prospects can’t find your site, you will not be able to deliver your message to them. A strong corporate video will attract your target audience and enhance your brand.

2. Stick around, I want to tell you something

Once you have visitors on your site, you need them to stick around long enough to learn about your business. Eighty-eight per cent of visitors stay on a site longer when video is prominent, according to Mist Media. Video will help you extend the time you get to communicate with your prospects. It will also engage them with the most powerful visual medium on the Web.

3. Show me the Money

At the end of the day, most of us are trying to increase business and profits. Sixty-four percent of consumers make a purchase after watching branded social videos (tubularinsights) and 59% of executives will choose video over text when given a choice (wordstream). Video is the most effective way to deliver your message with impact and move your prospect to action.

Reaching your audience on the Internet is serious business. Don’t try it without your slingshot.